Falkland: Crystal Meditation & Mala Necklace
Sun, 22 Sept
|Centre for Stewardship
Crystal Connection, Meditation and Mala Necklace Workshop

Time & Location
22 Sept 2019, 10:00 – 13:00
Centre for Stewardship, The Stables, Falkland, Cupar KY15 7AF, UK
About the event
Beautiful, Authentic, Uplifting
Did you know Crystals have their own personalities?
That some crystals are ‘workers’, some ‘players’ and some a mix of both?
Join us to connect with and enjoy the wonderful world of Crystals, make a Mala Crystal necklace and learn more about meditation techniques.
On the day you will have a Crystal Connection Meditation enabling you to ‘hear’ the crystals more clearly. Learn how to make your own gorgeous Mala Crystal Necklace whilst learning all about the history of the mala, it’s different uses and how to develop your own meditation practice using them.
Experience a variety of styles of meditation, positive sound and affirmations to aide calm and centred living, with guidance on how to incorporate them into your daily life.
Choose from a range of authentic crystals:
- Lapis Lazuli (intuition and higher reason),
- Amethyst (divine wisdom),
- Snow Quartz (divine connection),
- Rose Quartz (love),
- Red Jasper (earthing, grounding and action),
- Black Onyx (motivation and protection).
If there are any crystals you wish to work with on the day let us know and we can try to order them in for you. All equipment and additional beads and tassles provided on the day.
Learn how to connect with the crystals
Simply turn up and open up to the wonderful world of crystals, connection and meditation.
Cake and cuppa available on the day
Payment confirms booking.
* view more images at our Facebook Event page
Crystal Mala Meditation /sept
Please email nityawellbeing@gmail.com if you have certain crystals you wish to use and we will endeavour to have them for you on the day. Remember time is required for orders to arrive, so please give us as much notice as possible. Thanks
£35.00Sale ended