NINE chakras studied. Each lesson creating energy, balance and vitality. LESSON 1: Earth Star and Soul Star Chakra - - Grounding, Balance and Stable Divine Connection LESSON 2: Muladhara - Root Chakra: - Beliefs, security and financial perspectives LESSON 3: Svaddhistana -  Sacral Chakra: - Creativity, Relationships with ourself and others LESSON 4: Manipura -  Solar Plexus Chakra: - WillPower, confidence and empowerment LESSON 5: Anahata - Heart and Higher Heart Chakra: - The Love vibrations and Higher Purpose LESSON 6: Vishudda - Throat Chakra: - Hearing, listening and authentic communication LESSON 7: Ajna - Third Eye Chakra: - Instincts, wisdom and psychic skills LESSON 8: Sahasrara - Crown Chakra: - Divine Connection LESSON 9: More Chakras in our body and around the world STUDY: Each chakra lesson has: • Guided Meditations • yoga practices • ancient Indian Sound Healing practices: bija mantras, chanting and affirmations • energy strengthening tools: mudras, bandhas • information videos • Self Reflection exercises to track success • fun quizzes, Q+A • chakra strengths, qualities, weaknesses and im/balance More benefits: • study at your own pace • lifelong access to resources • downloadable guides • tutor access • prepares for deeper Spiritual study Course is in modules, downloads, videos, quizzes, practicals
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